Holding List


Album of fourteen selected pieces ピアノアルバム Zen-on piano library
Jean Sibelius 舘野泉編・解説
Zen-on Music

Status Information


Jpn. or Foreign
Title Album of fourteen selected pieces ピアノアルバム Zen-on piano library
Author Jean Sibelius 舘野泉編・解説
Publisher Zen-on Music
Pub. Date 1976
Price 1,365
Page 55p
Size 31cm
ISBN 4111604102
Notes Pref. in Japanese
Subjects Piano music 楽譜
Contents Note 1 When the roan-tree flowers = ピヒラヤの花咲く時 : op. 75, no. 1
Contents Note 2 The solitary fir tree = 孤独な松の木 : op. 75, no. 2
Contents Note 3 The aspen = はこやなぎ : op. 75, no. 3
Contents Note 4 The birch tree = 白樺 : op. 75, no. 4
Contents Note 5 The spruce = 樅の木 : op. 75, no. 5
Contents Note 6 The twinflower of the north = 北方のリンネ草 : op. 76, no. 11
Contents Note 1 Capriccietto op. 76, no. 12 = カプリシェット
Contents Note 2 Harlequinade = 道化芝居 : op. 76, no. 13
Contents Note 3 The iris = あやめ : op. 85, no. 3
Contents Note 4 The snapdragon = 金魚草 : op. 85, no. 4
Contents Note 5 The campanula = つりがね草 : op. 85, no. 5
Contents Note 6 Dance op. 94, no. 1 = 踊り
Contents Note 1 Sonnet = ソネット : op. 94, no. 3
Contents Note 2 Novellette = ノヴェレッテ : op. 94, no. 2

Holding List

Holding1 items
  • 1
    • Classification 2763.2
    • Author No.SI
    • Copy No.
    Registration No.


    Classification 2
    Author No.
    Shelf Code
    023 4F資料室(音楽関係)
    11 学内者のみ貸出可