

Journal of home economics of Japan
日本家政学会 ; the Japan Society of Home Economics
各号 - 出版年月日



雑誌名,シリーズ名 日本家政学会誌 Journal of home economics of Japan
各号 - 巻号 Vol.54 No.12 (464)
各号 - 年月次 2003.12
各号 - 出版年月日 2003/12/15
各号 - ページ 85,viip
出 版 者 日本家政学会
各号 - 注記 年間購読
登録番号 400006109
各号 - 配架場所コード
019 書庫(製本)
内容細目1 1. Effect of Adding Cocoa Extracts on Breadmaking Properties..... Chiemi TABUCHI, Sakie TAMURA, Shinji OHTA, Kaori HASHIMOTO
内容細目2 2. Comparison of the Occlusional Condition and Preference for the Firmness of Cooked Rice between the Elderly and Young Ayako ONITSUKA, Sadako TODA, Midori KASAI, Keiko HATAE
内容細目3 3. Relationships between Knowledge, Cooking Technique, Self-Efficacy and Behavior for Healthy Eating among Japanese Senior High School Students Katsura OMORI
内容細目4 4. An Attempt to Improve the Light Fastness of Natural Dyes (Part 2) Contribution of Stabilizers Containing a Singlet Oxygen Quenching Moiety on the Photofading of Red Carthamin Hironori
内容細目5 5. Antifungal Efficacy of Cotton Fabrics Modified Chemically with Metal Salts Teruo NAKASHIMA, Yoshikazu SAKAGAMI, Xiaowen JIANG, Yuezhen BIN, Masaru MATSUO
内容細目6 6. The Effect of Ambient Temperature Change on the Covered Area of the Body during Sleep Kazue OKAMOTO-MIZUNO, Yumiko NAGAI, Sachiko IIZUKA
内容細目1 7. Consciousness and Values of Children/Students and Their Parents in Northern Thailand Yuka UTSUNOMIYA, Kimio MASUMOTO
内容細目2 8. Inhibitory Effect of an Aqueous Extract of Tempeh on Compound 48/80-Induced Histamine Release Noboru HASEGAWA, Kazuo ISHIDA, Norihiro YAMADA